It’s all within your control to choose.
We have found that taking part in the below activities has left us open and vulnerable to attack.
We took part in the below New Age practices in various combinations. At first we gained peace, bliss, healing and achievement from those practices, only to later have the reverse effects and find we were practicing idolatry. We’ve found that we were deceived by the trickery of spirits of darkness. After you read the below, please also read The New Testament for ways you may be leaving yourself open to attack, outside of New Age practices. (For an expanded version on why the below items are dangerous, please type them into GotQuestions.org.) If you’ve wondered how we’ve come to this realization, aside from personal experience and spirit attack, check out our Scriptures page.
Yoga & tantric yoga ("yoga" means union with the Hindu god, positions are worship positions. Where yoga originated in India, yoga is known to prepare ones body and mind for death and reincarnation. This is why one is asked to empty the mind and give up the mind and emotions to come back as something other than oneself in a new life. It’s practice is to loose your individuality and become “one”, where God created us as individuals in a family and requests we fill our mind with goodness of His word and His Holy Spirit. We consider peace the presence of our Creator who is the Creator of peace, love and happiness, not to have a goal of nothingness. (You may be partaking in yoga solely to achieve “well-being”, yet we have found we are responsible for our involvement from a worship standpoint as well.)
Meditation - the word “meditation is translated in Greek “Meletao” and its derivation in Hebrew means: “Murmur,” “Muse,” “Mutter,” “Sigh,” Whisper,” “Moan,” dull sound,” and “a bowing down.” Jesus does not advise emptying our minds this is a new age meaning given to a word never having meant that. When we look for “peace” or “enlightenment” in this action, we are asking a new age spirit with outside forces to partake. Those forces will masquerade as peace at first, until we received that bribe of healing outside of God. We have found that emptying our minds is evil and has provided a space for unwanted energies and beings to take up residence. We then will unknowingly consider a negative experience unrelated such as depression or a change in personality, until the situation worsens. Meditate in the Bible means to focus earnestly on the word of God or a part of the word.
Calling on the unseen - mediumship, automatic writing, divination, universe, “the great unknown”, angels, fairies, aliens, spirit guides, saints, gods, goddesses, ascended masters, deities, nature spirits, entities, and anyone or anything other than God
Umbrellas - law of attraction, kabbalah, karma, freemasonry, feng shui, mindfulness, christ consciousness, shamanism, pantheism, twin flames, a course in miracles, polarities, age of aquarius
Symbols, structures, names and ritual items - chakras, third eye, stargates, empathy, star children, indigo children, ascension, portals, sacred geometry, flower of life, the evil eye or watchful eye, the om, Celtic cross, moon ceremonies and other ceremonies, earth symbols, nature symbols, wands, feathers, sage, dream catchers, animal symbols, 11:11, skulls, snakes, peace signs (the last of which is an upside down broken cross), slave bracelets and harness jewelry are not a message we want to send to the enemy. Our God calls us “friend”. We are not slaves.
All energy work - reiki, qigong, crystal bowls, drumming, vortex work, sound bath, including energy medicine such as homeopathy, pemf, frequency or patch “healing”, etc.
Messaging - psychic work and readings of any sort, all things channeled, The Self Realization Center (including if someone claims to channel Jesus)
Divination - angel cards, tarot cards, pendulums
“Healers”, of any sort (excluding medical practice), especially if they use energetic modalities, objects, imagery, etc.
Practices and substances - affirmations, mind control, journeying, astral travel, sage/saging, palo santo, ayahuasca, DR/CR shifting, sun gazing, certain CBD oils, past life regression, hypnosis, death training, akashic record work, zero balancing, voodoo, body talk, tai chi, telepathy, lucid dreaming, soul mending, sonic healing, remote viewing amd any kind of drug use
Sciences - astrology, horoscope, numerology, astrocatrography, EMDR, EFT (emotional freedom technique), kinesiology, acupuncture & acupressure
Whichery - wicca, witchcraft, sorcery, spells, curses, hexes, satanism, santeria, conjuring
Oils, crystals, or herbs -only WHEN used to conduct magic or make grids
Board games used to contact spirits, vision boards
Self absorption work - self-love, self empowerment, I AM, your purpose, “god or goddess” work
Thoughts that we are all a part of each other or of having God already within us. (Excluding asking The Holy Spirit to come into one's heart from a prayer like the one under SAVED)
Church activities that include - yoga, "holy yoga", Enneagram, Q Anon, “centering prayer”, “new thought”, “grave soaking” or spiritual activities outside of The New Testament, including but not limited to NAR and word or faith movements, prosperity gospel, Hebrew roots. These and items similar to these are all deceptive
Family ancestral or lineage energy work, family constellations
Magic arts of all aspects - including any efforts toward healing, peace, or blessing, outside of God or medicine (We may use natural medicine not based in magic.)
Pemf and electrical pulse therapy as well as frequency healing from patches. Biofeedback can be helpful, but should not be relied upon.
For us it’s been a dangerous ride, for which we are only alive by grace. It’s His grace, His protection, His mercy and His plan that we have come to trust. For us, being attacked has turned out to be the blessing that brought us to Jesus. We now understand, if we never met Him we would have certainly met a different fate at the end of life. Now we will spend eternity with Him in heaven. This sounded like a crazy concept originally, but when you come to know Him and feel the endless love He has for you, the future becomes undeniable.
Once you put an end to the vulnerabilities and name Jesus Lord and Savior, deliverance out of all you’re dealing with is possible. The unfolding of deliverance is different for everyone. That’s between you and God. For most ex New Agers, deliverance can feel like a layered process as God changes us. Sharing experiences together demystifies the journey and helps one to realize that you are not alone in your findings and there is someone bigger than you running the show, (no matter which side you’re on). This is one reason why having the prayers and support of brothers and sisters here at RNAIC is such a blessing. This support takes place on our Facebook page.

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
— Colossians 1:13-14