We’ve done a little work for you!
At Reformed New Agers in Christ we’ve been encouraged by our brothers and sisters who have come out of the New Age to find Jesus. The below resources provide some of the knowledge we have come to understand (the hard way). Unlike New Age, we don’t have to follow people, we only have to follow Jesus. So enjoy these tips and please read the Bible above all.
Immediate support.
Our Facebook page Reformed New Agers in Christ can provide immediate support. Always use discernment no matter what group you explore.
We can’t post a video on every New Age practice and why it can bring harm, though the concepts in Steven Bancarz’s video on the link here Why meditation is dangerous by Steven Bancarz, can cover multiple New Age practices. Steven had a successful New Age career and website called Spirit Science and Metaphysics where he generated an average of forty thousand dollars a month in ad revenue alone, before he realized what he was sharing was an evil deception. He walked away from all of it to live in his parents basement and began a ministry called Reasons for Jesus (his testimony is under our testimonies section).
Caryl Matrisciana grew up in India and explains the origins of yoga and the dangers involved in its practice and its ideology in “Wide is the Gate” .
Spiritual skeptics.
We at Reformed New Agers in Christ have come from ALL religions, backgrounds and regions of the world. Many of us never knew Jesus. New Age involves a mix of religious vulnerabilities, which Steven Bancarz addresses on ReasonsforJesus.com. There you will also see answers to questions about atheism and see answers to other skeptical views on God.
Biblical skeptics.
The Bible is the center of our walk with Jesus and thus it has come under scrutiny. Some feel the Bible has been distorted, compromised, entirely made up or is simply not “The Word of God”. J Warner Wallace NBC Dateline’s most popular homicide detective, was out to prove the Bible wrong and ended up a Christian. On his website, Wallace explains the role that evidence plays in faith.
Prayer requests.
We know that some of you are new to your walk with Jesus and may not have the prayer support you need. We often send prayer requests into churches to be prayed over. Here are some of our other favorite places to send our prayers. The Brooklyn Tabernacle prays over your request for thirty days.
Brooklyn Tabernacle Prayer Request
Times Square Church Prayer Request
Great worship music keeps us going. Stay on top of the latest music on our facebook page cited above and check out this video on worship music on the link below to be aware of worship music that isn’t biblical.
Lifestyle. Diet.
Smoking pot or doing drugs of any sort can open you up to attack, as well as enough alcohol to alter your mind. We have found a healthy diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep and plenty of drinking water supports your health. Do your best to care for yourself. It’s biblical.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
For your Biblical questions GotQuestions.org
Why meditation is dangerous by Steven Bancarz
Demonic attack in dream states by Steven Bancarz
J Warner Wallace Cold Case Christianity
Worship music by Pastor David Henneke
Brooklyn Tabernacle Prayer Request

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
— Matthew 7:13-14