As a seven-year-old child, I was introduced to crystals. What began as a hobby grew into a profession. I was deeply involved in various practices like yoga and meditation for peace and “well being” and taught various magic arts all over the country in prominent places you might be familiar with. All aspects of spirituality interested me and I based my profession on things like metaphysics, the law of attraction and astrology. Psychically, I was aware of future events and felt this was to my benefit, though looking back, I saw that those events led nowhere in the larger scheme of life.
Born Jewish, I love and honor my culture, but didn’t often practice organized religion. I felt healed, blessed and guided through my other spiritual practices. I hadn’t considered that God might be offended by them or that the Bible and Torah could warn me of them. I certainly didn’t think they could be considered sins or that there was such a thing as the devil.
As time went on, I became ill despite all of my practices. I got a mild form of colitis and had severe long term Lyme disease from three different tick bites that went undiagnosed for years. My spiritual situation escalated to being viciously attacked by spirits. I would wake often with nightmares in the early hours of the morning feeling hands wrapped around my throat choking me to death. I could see demons in my home and never guessed they would attempt to rape or sodomize me. These types of attacks were terrifying and continued for two years. So you probably can’t name a New Age modality I didn’t try in order to escape the living hell I found myself in.
In a last resort, an offer came to give my heart to Jesus and repent for sins, I didn’t know I was committing. I took the offer out of fear with little faith. Yet in an instant, I felt a weight lift off of me and experienced a change in my body, resulting in a level of peace I never dreamed possible. I felt the Lord come into my heart. This time unlike my other practices, my peace remained and began to build. I never felt alone again, having found the Lord’s presence.
I then experienced attack through trial and error by continuing my New Age practices, having no idea they were the very acts enabling harm. After reading The New Testament and Torah I saw my practices were considered idolatry known as “magic arts” and were the reason for my attacks. I was in disbelief. Someone I knew, who made the same transition, confirmed this for me and introduced me to a Facebook group where hundreds of people had similar stories. I then saw a group with tens of thousands this had happened to. I was surprised to learn that many of them had left successful professions in the metaphysical field.
Once I let go of my magic arts practices and related objects and rebuked them, spiritual peace became possible. When I read The New Testament and Torah again, I recognized my experiences documented there.
Walking with Jesus changed every aspect of my life. I never suspected He might be the Messiah or that I was responsible from a religious standpoint for all I was practicing in the name of “health”, and “well-being”. Looking back, the string of practices seemed more like highs from gateway drugs than true peace, wholeness, satisfaction or healing.
Jesus is now my dearest Confidant, Lord and Savior. He addressed my protection, healing and each emotional and spiritual need I was seeking. I went from wondering if I’d live to being healed. I took a chance and am blessed to have found truth, peace and the greatest love of all in Jesus. With the Lord’s guidance, I founded Reformed New Agers in Christ to support others in finding Him and the continual peace and salvation He provides.